July 1st, 2015 Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...
You may have noticed a distinct lack of updates around here lately - it's not just that we've been slacking off on keeping up with the site! In late 2013/early 2014 several members relocated and/or became involved in other time-consuming pursuits and it hasn't been possible for us to coordinate getting together for new competitions. So, unfortunately, after seven years of non-stop competitive filmmaking It Donned On Me is now on indefinite hiatus.
Is it the end, or just a new beginning? Only time will tell - we certainly hope to reconvene occasionally in the future for new projects. There's absoulutely no way we could have predicted what we were starting on that night in 2006 when we walked out of a 48 Hour Film Project screening and said "hey, we could do that!". We want to thank everyone who has been involved - whether as cast, crew, or audience - in the amazing journey we've taken these past seven years as we produced over 30 short films, documentaries and music videos, most in 48 hours or less.
There's actually several projects we completed which haven't been released publicly - a few are still undergoing revisions and will be posted here as we complete them, but the following three are now available to view and haven't been posted here previously. Enjoy!
"Enthusiasm" was our entry into the 2013 Iron Filmmaker competition - made in just 24 hours! Winner of Best Use of Theme, Nominated for Best Performance & Best Cinematography:
"Fired By Dogs" was our entry into the 2013 Santa Rosa 48 Hour Film Project. It won the Audience Choice & Best Actress awards in the competition, and was nominated for Best Cinematography, Best Use of Character, Best Sound Design and Best Special Effects:
"Changes" is a music video for Quinn DeVeaux and was produced as part of the 2013 San Francisco Music Video Race.
We hope you enjoy these, and thanks again for being part of It Donned On Me!
September 4th, 2013 Watch... if you dare!
The results are in, and our recent entry in the San Jose 48 Hour Film Project just won Best Actor in a Female Role, Best Actor in a Male Role, and Best Direction - as well as being nominated for Best Picture! Congratulations to our lead actors, Johanna Mattox and Willy Appelman, for their work & wins this time around. So - if you dare - check out our suspense/thriller "Missing You":
Now this isn't actually our most recent project - we also competed just a few weeks ago in the inaugural Santa Rosa 48 Hour Film Project. Willy & Johanna return once again, along with Jon Reed, another IDOM regular, for an unusual Fantasy film called "Fired By Dogs". We're apparently up for some awards with that one as well (they haven't announced all the nominees yet) and there will be a 'best of' screening this Saturday in Santa Rosa - if you'd like to come check out a bunch of great films tickets and details are available at: http://sr48hfp.ticketleap.com/awards/. Hope to see you there!
July 30th, 2013 An 18 Hour Film Project?!?
Just this past weekend we finished up our fourth competition this year - the San Jose 48 Hour Film Project. When the dates got changed around on the competition we found ourselves in a quandry - over half the team was busy all day Sunday. Skip the competition? Of course not! Instead we just set ourselves to the task of creating the entire film in under 24 hours... and somehow we pulled it off! Not counting the time we spent sleeping we spent just under 18 hours in total on this film, which required an unusual approach for us - no editing. It'll be interesting to see how the audience responds, this one's a little bit different. The premier screening is this Thursday in San Jose; ticket details are here if you want to come check out our fim (as well as 9 others from our fellow teams). Hope to see you there!
July 15th, 2013 The results are in...

At last night's awards screening for the San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project our film "May-December" picked up Audience Choice, Best Acting in a Male Role, and Best Use of Required Character! Another strong showing, and a strong group of films overall in the finalists - some of the best we've seen in recent years.
We'll have the film up here soon - in fact, we're building quite a backlog of films that are finished but haven't been posted yet. This is actually turning out to be our busiest year yet... we've got a couple more competitions coming up soon and then you can expect an onslaught of films as we bring our latest projects to the world... so keep checking back!July 14th, 2013 We've been busy!
It's been a little busy for IDOM lately with two back to back competitions - the San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project and The Music Video Race. Tonight is the awards screening for the 48HFP and our entry, "May-December" is up for several awards - Audience Choice, Best Cinematography, Best Acting in a Female Role, Best Acting in a Male Role, and Best Use of Required Character. We'll be posting both projects up here soon, so come back soon to check them out and see how we did in the competition!
March 4th, 2013 Sure is quiet around here....
But we're not done yet! Right now we're in the process of finishing up our entry in the 2013 International Documentary Challenge - this will be our sixth year in competition. We've got several more competitions on the schedule for this year, as well as a couple films from last year which we haven't released yet, so be sure to check back soon for updates as we get underway with the 2013 season.
August 16th, 2012 SJ 48HFP Update
Well, we've done it once again, successfully completing our 23rd film in competition, this time for the 2012 San Jose 48 Hour Film Project - but cutting it a little closer than usual. Thanks to a last minute lost dog (!) we got delayed a bit and ended up dropping off the film in San Jose with just 4 seconds to spare! We got a great audience reaction at the screening last night, and after we make a couple minor changes (things we ran out of time to do) we'll be posting the film here soon.
August 8th, 2012 San Jose 48 Hour Film Project
It's been a little quiet around here lately as we took a break this summer, but we're about to jump back into action with the 2012 San Jose 48 Hour Film Project starting tonight! This will be our fourth time participating in the San Jose competition - we've missed it the past couple of years, so we're looking forward to getting back in the south bay game this year. As always you can follow our progress throughout the weekend on our facebook page.
In the meantime, I just realized we never posted our music video from the Music Video Race earlier this year, featuring a local a capella group called "Conspiracy of Venus". Making a music video was a first for us and it was quite an experience - hopefully we'll do it again in the future. Enjoy!
May 18th, 2012 Doc Challenge update and Music Video Race
Unfortunately we weren't a finalist in this year's International Documentary Challenge. The good news is that means we're free to post the film publicly soon - we've got a couple things to add to it and then we'll post here when it's ready.
This weekend we're participating in a new local competition - the Music Video Race. Tonight we'll be paired up with a local band, and then we've got until Sunday at 8pm to put together a music video for one of their songs. This will be our first music video so we're pretty excited to see how it turns out. All the videos from the competition will be screened at the Rickshaw Stop in a week on Sunday, May 27th - event details can be found here. Hope to see you there!
March 6th, 2012 2012 International Documentary Challenge
Last night we shipped off our latest film - "Endorphin Dude and the Quest for Titanium" - as our entry into the 2012 International Documentary Challenge. In the film IDOM team member Tony Nguyen tells the story of his journey from couch potato to Titanium level 'Marathon Maniac' - achieved by running 52 marathons in 52 weeks. You can read about his journey and his continuing race reports on his blog at http://www.endorphindude.com
This marks our fifth year participating in the challenge, and we've gone on to the finals twice now - in 2007 with "Stick & Pound" and last year with "Four Pauls: Bring Back the Hat!". We weren't able to make it to Hot Docs in Toronto for the premier and award ceremony last year, so we're hoping to get another chance this year. We'll post here as soon as we know so check back for updates... meanwhile we'll be prepping for our next competiting - the San Francisco 48 Hour Film project June 8-10th.
January 1st, 2012 We're still here!
Happy New Year! I know it's been quiet around here for the past couple months, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy. Unfortunately we got too busy with other work to compete in the San Jose 48HFP or Three Day Horror festival last year, but we're currently gearing up for our 2012 season and will be participating in at least three competitions this year. We also have a couple of upcoming screenings of our previous work, so check back soon or follow us on facebook for all the latest news.
July 11th, 2011 Another win...
The awards screening for the San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project took place this past weekend, and our latest film was a finalist - nominated for audience choice as well as best cinematography, editing, and production design. We won for production design! That was certainly unexpected, and it's a first for us, but now you can be the judge - put the kids to bed and watch Repo Session now!
Repo Session from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
We'll be back at it in just another month, this time for the upcoming San Jose 48 Hour Film Project...
June 15th, 2011 #21 is DONE!!!!

What a weekend... IDOM just wrapped our 21st short film, this time for our fifth round in the San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project. This was a tough one - everyone on the team was so busy in the weeks leading up to it that we simply had no time to prepare. That meant we went into Friday night with almost no actors, locations, etc lined up for the weekend. Then one crew member got sick, another couldn't make it due to school work, and I had a bunch of other work to get done during the weekend! We weren't willing to just give up though, so we decided we had to come up with something simple that we could handle with our limited resources...
So we came up with something simple, but crazy - it's probably not a good sign when your actors show up on Saturday morning and you're already apologizing for what you're about to put them through! The shoot was short, and we didn't get to a lot of the ideas we had, but we still managed to get quite a bit done. And somehow in the edit it all came together into something more than I think we had originally imagined. Won't know for sure until we see it with an audience though - and that happens next Tuesday, June 21st at 7 & 9:30pm at the Lumier Theater in SF! We hope you'll come out to check out our film and about a dozen others from our fellow 48h filmmakers - click here for tickets. See you there!
May 7th, 2011 Doc Challenge Results and 'Four Pauls' Online Premier
Our latest film premiered last Sunday night at Hot Docs as one of the International Documentary Challenge finalists, and we brought home the awards for Best Cinematography and Best Use of the Historical Genre! We also had a great west coast premier at Paul's Hatworks in San Francisco - the subject of our film. So the wait is over, the film is online and you can see it right now - please tell your friends and join the movement to bring the hat back! Enjoy!
Four Pauls: Bring the Hat Back! from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
April 9th, 2011 IDOM is a 2011 Doc Challenge Finalist!
Earlier this week the International Documentary Challenge announced the twelve finalists in this year's competition - and IDOM's latest film "Four Pauls" is one of them! We're very excited about this - we were a finalist and winner in 2008 but haven't made the cut for the past couple of years. What this means is 'Four Pauls' - a profile of the four women who run the 90-year-old Paul's Hatworks shop in San Francisco - will be making it's world premier at the Hot Docs festival in Toronto on May 1st - if you happen to be attending the festival be sure to check out the screening. If you can't make the screening be sure to check back here after May 1st to find out how we did in the competition - and to view the online premier of the film!
February 21th, 2011 Double Down is live!
Our 48 Go Green entry, "Double Down", is now live - we picked up the Best Acting award for the SF competition as well as being runner-up for Best Picture! Enjoy, and ask yourself - would you drop everything for love?
Double Down - 48 Go Green 2011 from It Donned On Me on Vimeo.
March 8th, 2011 Doc Challenge Done
Just last night we wrapped production on our 20th film - and our fourth entry into the International Documentary Challenge. Our genre this time was historical, which we unfortunately didn't have any good subjects lined up for. After discussing some options throughout the day Thursday we remembered an article we'd read about an old hat shop in SF that was recently taken over by four young women. We though there might be some potential there, so we stopped in the shop that afternoon and asked if they'd be interested - and to our great relief they agreed to do it! So we spent the next two days shooting at Paul's Hatworks and put together a cool little piece on the history of hats, the shop, and the movement to bring back the hat and all that goes with it. After a couple days of post we sent it off - getting it to the post office with just 20 minutes to spare! We'll update here in a month or so as soon as we find out if we made the cut as a finalist!
February 21th, 2011 Down to the wire!

Despite minor setbacks (one of our lead actors got sick Saturday morning!) last night we wrapped up our entry for the "48 Go Green". Thanks to a last-minute shortage of 8gb thumb drives we delivered the finished film with just about a minute to spare! That's the closest we've ever cut it... actually, I guess it's as close as it's possible to make it. In any case we got our 19th film, "Double Down", done and in on time! Our film will be premiering with the other local competitors 7pm this Thursday at the Lumiere Theater in San Francisco - tickets and full screening details are available on the SF 48HFP site. Hope to see you there!
February 18th, 2011 48 Go Green is here!
Tonight's the night the "48 Go Green" kicks off, and IDOM is prepared for the challenge! We'll be competing with 15 local teams from San Francisco - and 341 internationally! After a last minute audition this past weekend we've selected several new actors to work with this time - and found plenty more for the rest of this year's projects. So tonight we'll begin with the hardest part - coming up with a story - and our shoot begins in the morning. We'll be posting behind the scenes photos and information throughout the weekend, so be sure to 'like' us on facebook or follow us on twitter to see our progress - come Sunday night we'll be turning in a movie, one way or another...
January 20th, 2011 New Year, New Projects
Well, 2011 is here, and for us it looks like it'll get into full swing a bit sooner than we expected. Our season usually doesn't start until March, but this year the 48 Hour Film Project has added a new international competition - "48 Go Green", an eco-themed competitition kicking off on February 18th. We normally don't do international competitions because they don't have a local screening (which is a big part of the fun), but for this one they are doing local premiers in half a dozen cities including SF. It should be a fun experience - check back here soon for updates as the competition draws near, or 'like' us on facebook to keep up with the latest news.
We'll also be competing again in our usual competitions - San Francisco 48HFP, San Jose 48HFP, International Documentary Challenge, etc. That's not all we have planned though, we've got a couple projects underway that are designed to inspire and train anyone who's interested in doing what we do - competitive filmmaking! So if you've always thought you'd like to give it a try, maybe 2011 is the year to get started... check back soon for details.
News archives: 2010 2009 2008 2007